

after my first post my roommate queried as to the name of my blog. so i decided to write a post in response. 

as you may very well know i have the tendency to break a few rules once in a while. and by 'a few' i mean i break every rule i think i can get away with breaking... and then some.

contrary to what i was told as a child, rule breaking generally pays off.  it is the times i think for myself or do things my own way that i discover most about myself and what surrounds me. either that or i have a good story to share at game night. moral of the story kids, do try this at home. give them hell.

take for example my most recent exchange with an officer of the law. would you have thought that a post card from victoria's secret was a sufficient substitute for a driver's license? it was for me. needless to say i wasn't cited for my 12mph discrepancy. i suppose i ought not brag. it would serve me right to be ticketed tomorrow.

knock on wood

that's the thing though with breaking rules. it does not come without risk. so the only advisement i offer is to make sure it's worth it to you. if you think you'll be able to walk away regret free then go for it! and if you do it with no malice in your heart then your jiminy cricket should have no qualms.

while i am a huge proponent of living by your own rules that does not mean i think they are all bad. we can't have a world where everyone runs around willy-nilly doing whatever they want. but it pains me to see a bunch of mindless robots walking around living their lives as dictated by someone or something else.

so there it is. hell-bound for sure. d: who's with me?

i know i said i would post an eco-friendly tip but i am going to break my own rule. 

this time i would like to call attention to the fact that it is breast cancer awareness month. susan g. komen for the cure reported that in 2010 somewhere in the world, every 69 seconds a woman dies of breast cancer. holy shit. this is out of control. 

from what i can tell most of the big events for the month have passed but you can still do something. if you are a fan of yogurt i recommend you stock up on yoplait. they are spearheading a campaign in which they donate thirty cents for each lid that gets sent in by consumers. it is an easy, and tasty way to care!

i'd like to dedicate this post in memory of my grandma evelyn who died of breast cancer in '94. you left us too soon but live on in our hearts.

stay neat, all!

